Executive Director
Lead Trainer & FLEX Program Founder
Mr. Maurice Bulls M.Ed., serves as lead trainer, program developer and MI coach. He is an active member in the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers. His current focus is on adapting MI to map on to the language of minority clients and staff. Mr. Bulls' graduate work focused on cooperative learning, an evidence-based system for teaching students in small group settings, using highly specified instructional strategies to encourage students to work together in teams towards a common goal while helping each other learn. He has expanded our MI workshops to incorporate these strategies as well as fun, interactive training activities. In addition, Mr. Bulls has over 22 years of experience in inner city school settings and has been involved in manual development for new interventions. He is the developer and founder of the BCC Flex program, which integrates MI with skills training and physical activity with promising results.
Operations Director
Leah King is a recent graduate of the University of Michigan School of Public Health with a Masters of Public Health (MPH) in Environmental Health Sciences having previously completed their B.S. in Public Health Sciences. They plan on pursuing a career in sustainable urban development focusing on green infrastructure and landscape design that incorporates an interdisciplinary approach to public health, ecological conservation, and maintenance of ecosystem services. Their role in BCC includes accounting, client and trainer invoicing, contract development, non-profit operations, and MI-CRS coding.
Administrative Director
Carrie Veit is a recent graduate from the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. She has completed her B.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, with a focus on pre-dental courses. She plans to further her education by attending dental school in the near future. She began working with the BCC team in 2021 with her main duty being administrative assistance.
Communications Director
Grace Sanders is a graduate from Flagler College with her B.A. in Accounting. She plans to expand her knowledge in administrative tasks as well as online development. Grace has previous (and expanding) experience with HIV studies and research, and background in TMI among underserved youth populations. She joined the BCC team in 2022 and she is tasked with MI Training website development, BCC newsletters, grant search and writing, and marketing assistance.
MINT Trainer
Dr. Salome Nicole Cockern (Nikki) is a pediatric psychologist and assistant professor at Wayne State University, with extensive experience implementing health behavior change interventions for adolescents and young adults. She is the psychologist and lifeline in the adolescent HIV clinic in Detroit, MI, and has provided clinical supervision for several research projects including Healthy Choices
targeting youth living with HIV, We Test, and the Young Men’s Health Project targeting risk behaviors and PrEP (HIV prevention medication) initiation in young men who have sex with men. She has been a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) since 2004 and uses MI in clinical practice with youth in the areas of adherence, substance use, mental illness, partner violence, coping and risk reduction. In addition to supervising intervention staff on several clinical research trials, she actively trains staff in various community and state agencies, as well as train and supervise residents and
other medical professionals and community health workers in MI.
MINT Trainer
Dr. Sharonne Herbert is a board-certified clinical child and adolescent psychologist and the supervisor of the Mental Health Emergency Services team at Children’s Hospital of Orange County in Orange California that evaluates children and adolescents who present to the emergency department for mental health concerns. She is passionate about working with parents of children with disruptive behaviors and children with anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and tic disorders. She is a member of Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and provides trainings for teachers, medical providers, and clinicians in the local community as well in the western region of the United States.
MINT Trainer
Sandra has practiced motivational interviewing for over 10 years. She is a Registered Nurse with over 30 years of experience and holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice. In addition to her nursing and motivational interviewing practice, Sandra served as a missionary for four years in Belize. Sandra is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and has provided Motivational Interviewing training and consulting for primary care and behavioral health staff, healthcare leaders, and academic coaches. Sandra is currently an Assistant Professor in Healthcare Administration.
MINT Trainer
Joy Lovelet Crawford is member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and co-founder at Eve for Life in Jamaica. A Registered General Nurse by training, Joy’s work experience spans 30 years of HIV program development, HIV voluntary counseling and testing master trainer, clinical supervisor for pastoral counseling students, and management of primary health services. She has a particular passion for adolescent sexual health and reproductive justice. Joy has partnered with academic centers to bring Motivational Interviewing to Jamaica and is the only Caribbean MINT trainer.
MINT Trainer
Elaine McGlaughlin, MPH is an international development practitioner who first learned about MI in 2016 while translating and adapting BCC materials for a training for HIV clinic providers in the Dominican Republic. Elaine’s work in Central America focuses on behavior change communications, violence prevention, and sexual and reproductive health access for vulnerable groups. She became a MINT member in 2018 and continues studying with the BCC team while providing coding and training services in Spanish and English.
Kayla Hicks, MPH, is a research assistant and lead community engagement specialist for HIV research. She has a passion for health equity advocacy on behalf of minorities and underserved populations. Kayla first learned MI in 2021 for the FLEX project. She has since assisted with leading trainings in New York and North Florida, in addition to leading training sessions for her internal team at Florida State University. Her goal is to become a MINT member and continue providing training and coding services.
Kristina Feliciano is a graduate of Florida State University with a B.S. in Criminology and is currently pursuing her master’s degree in social work, with plans to graduate in December 2024. With over 3 years of experience in Motivational Interviewing, Kristina has applied her skills across diverse populations, including criminal justice settings, individuals living with chronic conditions, LGBTQ+ communities, & more. She has also delivered multiple MI trainings for providers, clinicians, and community workers. As the oldest of 7 and a first-generation college student, Kristina is passionate about leadership and is dedicated to working with vulnerable and underserved populations, striving to provide wrap-around support and drive meaningful change.