Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based communication approach for increasing motivation for behavior change. TMI uses communication science to tailor MI for ethnic minority populations and for HIV by studying real interactions with HIV providers and their patients in medical settings as well as experience with providers and clients in community-based settings.
What is TMI?
TMI is tailored MI for HIV settings focusing on provider communication behaviors statistically related to motivational language among persons living with HIV or at high risk of contracting HIV.
- TMI can be delivered by many types of providers, in brief and longer session formats
- TMI has been shown to be particularly effective with adolescents and young adults
- A training program with an initial workshop using video vignettes of HIV-related behaviors with ethnic, sexual and gender minority clients and providers
- A system of ongoing quality assurance and feedback to maintain skills using evidence-based standard patient interactions when real recordings are not feasible
- Automated scoring of provider competency with a written feedback report, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement with embedded video clips for skill observation and state-of the-art video learning